The administrative offices described below give an overview of campus-wide organizational structure and function, priorities, and services.
Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost
As the chief academic officer for the university, the provost provides leadership for matters that affect academic programs, research, and outreach involving faculty members, students, and staff members. The provost oversees the quality of programs of instruction and research through collaborative work with vice presidents, academic deans, vice provosts, and numerous other units related to the university. Additionally, the provost is responsible for overseeing academic and budgetary planning and priorities.
Associated Students of the University of Oregon
The ASUO serves as the voice of students. Its purpose is to provide for the social, cultural, educational, and physical development of its members. The ASUO advocates for collective interests of the student body, working on campus-, city-, state-, and federal-level campaigns. Membership consists of all students who have paid the current term or semester student incidental fee. The government consists of the Student Senate, which approves all programming and contractual budgets, the Constitution Court, and the Executive.
Office for research and innovation
The Office for Research and Innovation promotes excellence in research at the University of Oregon. Research is central to the UO’s mission and we are committed to enhancing these efforts across the campus. The office provides administrative and financial support for sponsored programs, including identification of funding opportunities, proposal submission, and contracts and grant administration. The office supports 19 interdisciplinary research centers, 9 research core facilities, and emboldens innovation and economic development through strategic partnering and technology transfer.
University Advancement
University Advancement is responsible for strategically positioning the UO with its various constituents and securing resources to further its aims. The division consists of approximately 240 employees primarily working out of Eugene, with offices in Portland and Bend. Departments within University Advancement include: Advancement/UO Alumni Association; Communications, Marketing, and Brand Management; KWAX; University Development; Advancement Operations; Federal Affairs; State and Community Affairs; and the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Michael Andreasen is the Vice President for University Advancement and a member of the University Executive Leadership Team (ELT).
Student Life
Student Life supports the university’s academic mission through comprehensive programs and services that promote student learning and success while fostering an inclusive and vibrant campus community. With a commitment to diversity, and partnerships with academic departments, the 600+ faculty and staff members associated with Student Life play a significant role in preparing students for a culture of learning in a global society.
Vice President for Finance and Administration
The Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration/Chief Financial Officer (VPFA) is responsible for the sound and strategic management of the university’s financial, physical, and human resources. VPFA includes a broad portfolio of administrative units that directly serve and support all aspects of campus life. Our goal is to strengthen and align central administrative and financial functions with the University’s core mission of teaching, research, and service.
Division of Undergraduate Studies
Undergraduate Studies, as part of Academic Affairs, offers programs that enrich the academic life of undergraduate students in all majors and pre-professional programs. Through the units reporting to the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Studies, the division promotes a campus culture of intellectual curiosity and engagement, opportunities for students at all levels to be creative and to work in close association with outstanding faculty, and a coherent approach to General Education.
Graduate School
Through the Graduate School, the University of Oregon offers study leading to advanced degrees in the liberal arts and sciences and in the professional areas of architecture, business, education, fine art, historic preservation, journalism and communication, planning and public administration, and music and dance. The Graduate School oversees compliance with institutional graduate degree policies and the Graduate Teaching Fellows Federation collective bargaining agreement. Additionally, the Graduate School provides a variety of resources for professional development and funding for graduate study and research.
Office of the Vice President for Equity & Inclusion
Equity and Inclusion provides central leadership for campus-wide equity, as well as inclusion policies and programs in support of UO’s educational mission. It partners with the Office of the President, Academic Affairs, Deans, Enrollment Management, and other units on campus and beyond to accomplish the mission and strategic plans of the university.
Office of Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity
The Office of Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity (OAAEO) works with all members of the University of Oregon community to ensure that the university is meeting the letter and spirit of its legal obligations related to affirmative action, equal opportunity, and nondiscrimination. Specifically, the OAAEO develops and oversees the university’s affirmative action plan and activities; serves as a resource for faculty, staff, and students with concerns or questions regarding prohibited discrimination and discriminatory harassment, including sexual harassment; coordinates the employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act; and assists with informal resolution of workplace conflicts.
Center on Diversity and Community
The Center on Diversity and Community (CoDaC) is an applied research center offering consulting services and professional development to faculty and staff seeking to create multiculturally inclusive classrooms and workplaces. We seek to advance inclusive excellence in higher education by linking critical thinking and an ethic of care.
Office of the Dean of Students
The Office of the Dean of Students (DOS) plays a vital role in enriching and maintaining the campus community. The DOS office supports the university mission by enhancing all aspects of student life, promoting and supporting student development, fostering student success, and helping to resolve campus crises and difficulties. The DOS assists in maintaining a healthy university community and oversees the following programmatic areas:
- Diversity Education and Support
- LGBT Education and Support
- Nontraditional and Veteran Student Education and Support
- Sexual Violence Prevention & Education
- Sexual Violence Support Services
- Substance Abuse Prevention & Student Success
- Conflict Resolution Services
- Parent & Family Programs
- Student Conduct and Community Standards
- ASUO Women’s Center
- ASUO Men’s Center
- Fraternity and Sorority Life
- Off-campus student resources
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Education & Support Services
The LGBTESSP provides education and support that enhances the academic and personal growth of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, and ally students, faculty, staff, and visiting community members while assisting in the creation of a campus climate that is free from homophobia, heterosexism, and gender bias and allows unrestricted access and full involvement for our campus community.
Bias Response Team
The Bias Response Team (BRT) seeks to create a just campus by providing resources for the university community to respond to incidents of bias and harassment. Our mission is to encourage an understanding of the effects of bias, to create a sense of community responsibility, and to build an environment of mutual respect through education and dialogue.
Office of International Affairs
The Office of International Affairs (OIA) is comprised of a central administrative team and five programmatic units (International Student and Scholar Services, Study Abroad, AHA International, the Mills International Center, and the Global Studies Institute, which includes four direct-reporting research centers [Confucius Institute, CAPS, CASLS, Gabon-Oregon Center]), and a series of coordinating linkages to a wide range of internationally oriented research, teaching, outreach, and programming units across campus. The Office of International Affairs is charged with coordinating University-wide international strategy and programming, offering programs and services for international students and faculty, and administering study abroad programs and exchanges.